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Node Dangles


I don’t do much in Access or VBA but sometimes you inherit things that force you, at least temporarily, to go retro. We have an Access-based data extraction routine that uses several (21) pass-through queries that use an ODBC connection. The queries are pulling data from an Oracle database maintained by a different agency that enforces a time-out of passwords every three months. So every three months I have to go through the ODBC connections for these queries and change the password.
While working on a VB.Net form to query a database that includes an optional date range query, I decided I wanted to display a datetimepicker with a blank value by default and then, if the user sets a date show the date. By default, a datetimepicker can not have a Null date, so I went a’Googling and found this post, .NET Reference: Setting the DateTimePicker to a Blank Value,that had exactly the technique I wanted.