Web Analytics Made Easy -

Node Dangles

arcsde 10

Awhile ago, I had a ArcSDE problem that required ESRI technical support to help trouble-shoot. The problem was odd but was resolved by rebooting the server. During the process, though, the support person had me set a couple of environment variables for logging SDE activity on the client machine. The settings were SDEINTERCEPT and SDEINTERCEPTLOC. From ESRI’s Help, SDEINTERCEPT specifies what activity to log and SDEINTERCEPTLOC specifies where to save the log files.
While banging my head on how to grant access to a referenced mosaic dataset , I did something out of frustration that I normally would not do–I granted ‘public’ access to some data. Then, after figuring out the problem, I went to revoke public access using ArcCatalog and received this error message: Error 999999: Error executing function. The Object being referenced does not exist [ERROR: role ‘public’ does not exist::SQL state: 42704]